November 7, 2011

The last couple of weeks I have been travelling around in Austria and Switzerland to work for the 100 Best Posters Design competition. My job has been to build the showcase that is shown above. The winning posters are hung into large rings, that connect similar to the system of a tent. Important was to create a space that offers enough visual space for the visitors to observe the individual posters and to have a safe stabil system. For the exhibit at the designforum in Dornbirn, Austria, a team from the design agency Saegen4 created an additional bike race to promote the opening of the exhibit and in Switzerland the 100 Best Posters were shown as part of the Weltformat Festival  that officially opened on the 4th of November and is open until the 13th of this month. After the festival I will also rebuild the same exhibition in Vienna, at the MAK were the Exhibit will be shown for another four weeks.
Working on exhibitions has always been fun for me, and this year I also really like the design of the show. Building it has sometimes been a little difficult as the rings with a diameter of 2 metres are large in space and need to be connected to stand up alone and sturdy. The design competition 100 Best Posters of Germany, Austria and Switzerland starts again with the New Year and will collect the best designs of the Year 2011. 

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